Thursday, 14 August 2014

10 Effective Home Remedies To Cure Dermatitis

Are you suffering from itchy skin? Constant scratching is bringing no relief? If the constant itching is also accompanied by symptoms such as swelling and burning, then you may have dermatitis. It is an acute skin condition that, though chronic, can be easily treated with topical ointments and home remedies.
Often confused with eczema, dermatitis can be caused by allergic reaction, unhealthy lifestyle and even indigestion. If left unattended, dermatitis can progress to the next level, wherein blisters begin to form, which can make itching both unbearable and frustrating. Further, neglect can even cause acute skin infections.
Not an uncommon skin condition, dermatitis can be easily treated at home, without having to make frequent visits to the dermatologist. What do you need to treat dermatitis? Just a few common kitchen ingredients will do the trick. While some of the remedies we mention may not be on your kitchen rack but they can be easily found at the grocery shops. So, without further ado, let’s dive into the dermatitis home remedies now.

Home Remedies for Dermatitis

1. Changing Your Lifestyle:

You have heard this number of times and we say the same. Improving your diet is the key to alleviating symptoms of dermatitis. The skin is said to be the body’s largest organ of elimination. Now what does that mean, you may ask? This simply means – what you put in is

what you reflect. Include food that promotes liver and gut health and throw out the high gluten food. Go from a standard diet of rice and rotis to a wholesome diet that includes veggies, fruits and nuts, all in their raw unprocessed forms. Hard as it may sound, switch from grain fed

chicken and beef to grass fed chicken and beef. Yes, this may mean higher grocery bills but ain’t it worth the money spent? Cut out gluten from your diet. People who suffer from dermatitis will confirm that food like bread, pasta and the sorts, exacerbate the condition.

2. Aloe-vera Juice:

Aloe-vera is a certified skin tonic and ointment that helps in treating not just cuts but even open wounds. For several centuries, aloe-vera has been safely used to treat myriad skin problems, including dermatitis. Use aloe in its natural form, though you can easily buy several ointments and gels that have aloe as an ingredient. When it comes to dermatitis, the fresher the aloe sap is, the better! Snap a leaf and collect the gel like sap. Generously smear this on your skin as many times as you feel the need. The gel will reduce the itching and have a cooling effect on the skin. Remember not to wash the gel off too soon; the longer your skin soaks in the goodness of aloe vera juice, the sooner will it heal.

3. Calendula Lotion:

A flower that resembles those pretty marigolds, Calendula is enriched with skin healing properties. Use a lotion, whose primary ingredient is Calendula, for relief from pain and inflammation. Apply the salve, oil or even lotion liberally as it has no side effects. This can be also a perfect home treatment for dermatitis.

4. Avoid Milk Consumption:

Yes, that chilled glass of milk each morning right out of the carton, may be the trigger for dermatitis! Cut down your consumption of milk and dairy products, at least until your skin irritation and condition subsides. You could also switch to goat, sheep or buffalo milk if you cannot do without milk in your coffee. Rice milk and soy milk are also great alternatives.

5. Wear Loose Fitting Clothing:

Avoid wearing woollen fabric. Silk, bamboo and cotton are worthy contenders and will keep your body cool. Avoid wearing too many layers of clothing as it can further agitate dermatitis. The more you cover up, the worse will the irritation become. Try shifting to a milder detergent to wash your clothes, for that can help improve the situation too.

6. Chamomile Tea/Oil:

A wonderfully flavored drink that is also refreshing can help treat a case of dermatitis. The herb is said to have a calming effect on the skin and eases inflammation and burning. Use chamomile oil generously on your skin. It will not only help treat the infection but will also leave your skin soft and supple. Alternatively, brew some chamomile tea. Strain and dip a clean napkin into the tea and use as a warm compress for relief from excessive itching.

7. Coconut Oil:

Good old coconut oil is perhaps the best home remedy for dermatitis. Not only is it soft on the skin but is a lot more effective than most over-the-counter ointments. Simply apply organic virgin coconut oil on the affected areas and allow it to sink in. It will help in treating dermatitis without any side effects.

8. Evening Primrose Oil:

Yet another herbal remedy, the primrose oil can give you instant relief from both itching and inflammation. The oil contains gamma-linolenic acid, which is said to have the potency to treat skin disorders and reduce inflammation. The supplement of this oil is easily available at most drug stores and a pill a day is all it takes to help you get rid of dermatitis.

9. Almond Oil:

Sweet almond oil contains both ursolic and oleic acid. These acids have properties that can heal the skin. When applied liberally like a moisturizer, you can be assured of relief from itchiness, redness, and also inflammation. Apply it over your body before you step into the shower. A thin barrier of the oil ensures that your skin doesn’t dry up further due to the warm water.

10. Alternative Therapy:

Though this is not a home remedy, hypnosis and acupuncture is known to help in treating skin disorders. If you are struggling to find a solution, it might just be worth a try, you never know!
Drink plenty of water in conjunction to these home remedies and you will be pleasantly surprised to see how effective they can be. Try them today and you will soon be suggesting them to others. Don’t forget to share your feedback with us in the comments section below.

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