Thursday 14 August 2014

10 Best Homeopathy Treatments For Skin Problems

Who doesn’t want a healthy skin? But getting that healthy skin is far easier said than done! We all suffer from skin issues-some common, some not so much. Skin conditions depend on umpteen numbers of factors, such as hormone imbalance, blood impurity, stomach problems, etc.
There are some skin problems, which are just superficial while most others are related to internal problems. Skin issues affect the face, hands and other exposed parts of the body. Treating them superficially means just suppressing them, which may lead to similar or graver problems elsewhere or cause it to reappear with more intensity. So the best way to treat these skin problems is to treat them from their roots, internally.
Homeopathy is the system of medicine in which ailments are treated by minimal doses of natural substances. It attacks and cures the root cause of the ailment without causing side effects. To deal with skin disease, it not only studies the skin type but also takes into account a complete analysis of the mind, genetic factors and the condition of the immune system. Homeopathy just doesn’t treat the symptoms, but delves inside the body and takes on the root cause behind the symptoms.
Homeopathy is effective in treating various skin problems, such as eczema, rashes, allergic dermatitis, Uriticaria, Psoriasis, Lichen Planus and other variants, Lichen Planus and other variants, Chronic and recurring bacterial infections, Chronic and recurring bacterial infections, Fungus infections, Vitiligo, acne, Dandruff, hair loss and many other skin ailments.

Top 10 Homeopathy Treatments For Skin Problems:

Here is a list of top 10 homeopathy treatments, which if followed will give amazing results. Read on to know more:

1. Rhus Toxicodendron:

This is a useful remedy for treating Eczema. In Eczema, the skin is covered with numerous vesicular eruptions. The symptoms of eczema include itching, tingling, swelling, etc. The symptoms get worse at night, during winter and in damp weather. Cold air aggravates the problem. Warmth and moisturizing provides some temporary relief. It tends to get worse and become uriticaria and herpes, if not treated on time.
Rhus-Tox is very effective in controlling and treating this disease.

2. Natrum Muriaticum:

This remedy is also for eczema. It not only treats eczema but is also known to provide relief from mental disturbances caused due to grief and disappointment, being resentful, dwelling on past unhappy instances, fears of rejection, etc.

3. Graphites:

It is a remedy for a number of skin diseases. The symptoms which it treats are moist scruffy eruptions on the scalp, face, bends of joints, between fingers and behind the ears. It also treats cracked corners of the mouth and eyes, bleeding and release of a gluey, honey-like, thick, tenacious discharge, etc. It is also useful in treating symptoms, such as dry and itchy skin; brittle hair that tends to fall off and other such related symptoms.

4. Pulsatilla:

Pulsatilla is predominantly a female remedy. This remedy treats rashes with profuse menses or scanty menses or rashes due to gastric or uterine problems. Diarrhea may also accompany these rashes. Nettle rash, which is worse at the beginning of winter, as well as itching when exposed to air, is also treated by this medicine. Acne can also be healed with Pulsatilla.

5. Sepia:

If you have that point towards herpes, Sepia is the medicine to take. This Homeopathic medicine treats symptoms of herpetic conditions around the bends of joints, knees and ankles, behind the ears. In the beginning, it is dry, and then it turns moist and releases discharge. Brownish spots on the skin, yellow spots, and liver spots are few of the other symptoms. It also treats eczema on hands, as well as dry, rough and chapped skin. It is also good in treating Psoriasis.

6. Arsenicum:

It is a useful remedy for many of the skin problems where the skin is thickened like in chronic uriticaria, psoriasis and chronic eczema. People suffering from these conditions experience swelling along with itching and burning sensations. It also cures nettle rash and pimples.

7. Sulphur:

Sulphur is best known as the ‘skin remedy’! It has a particularly powerful centrifugal action, in that it brings symptoms to the surface. It treats the burning aggravation resulting from washing. Soreness and itching in the folds of the skin, its roughness and coarseness is also taken care of by Sulphur. Itching in the scalp, hair fall, deficient growth of nails are few other symptoms that sulphur can treat. It is also useful in Psoriasis and eczema. It also treats acne.

8. Nitricum Acidum: 

It is one of the best remedies for treating ulcers with symptoms like profuse granulations, ragged and zigzag and often raised edges, vascular bleeding, blisters and ulcers in mouth, tongue, genitals that bleed easily. Fissures, pain during bowel movement, excessive physical irritability, etc. are the other symptoms nitric acid or Nitricum Acidum addresses.

9. Cantharis:

Cantharis is used to treat burns or skin conditions that resemble burns. It is also helpful in curing sunburn, blisters, skin eruptions, and insect bites. Symptoms it addresses include blister formation and searing pain. In fact, it can relieve the pain associated with second or third degree burns. If applied on unbroken skin, in case of a burn, it promptly relieves pain and often prevents vesication. If the skin is broken, it can be administered externally with boiled or distilled water.

10. Thuja Occidentalis:

It is very useful in treating skin problems like warts, acne, age spots etc. It helps the body to get rid of scaly patches, itchy skin, and brown age spots. It treats the skin in case of papulo-vesiculo-pustulur eruptions. It also cures tubercles, warts epithelioma, naevi, carbuncles; ulcers, especially in ano-genital region, freckles, dry skin etc.
The main action of Thuja is on the skin and genito-urinary organs. It has a specific antibacterial action that helps in treating acne, blackheads, whiteheads etc.
Homeopathy has vast range of medicines for treating and curing skin problems and skin allergies. There are many medicines, other than the 10 mentioned above, that can treat a number of skin issues. Each homeopathy medicine treats a variety of diseases. So, the homeopath first prefers to understand the mind, habits, genetics, and other ailments of the patient and then prescribe the medicine to address the problems.
The only limitation of this branch of medicine is—time! Homeopathy takes its own sweet time to cure, as it cures from the very root. In today’s world, when everything is ‘instant’, this aspect maybe taken as a drawback. But homeopathy medicines are the most effective and sure shot treatment option that not just heals but repairs the body from within.
So, if you are looking to treat your skin from within, visit your nearest Homeopath! He will have answers for all your questions—well, almost all!
Stay beautiful, stay healthy.
Do you use homeopathic medication? Do they work for you? Share your experience with us in the comments section below.


  1. There are 5 Home Remedies of Lichen Planus Treatment. Cool Compress, Aloe Vera, Turmeric, Oats and Ginger. These home remedies are very effective and recover lichen planus successfully without any side effects.

  2. Lichen Planus on the skin results in few bumps which are purplish in shading and flat topped. Very often, Lichen Planus Home Remedies for this issue is gone for controlling the causes and triggers. You could also try Lichen Planus Herbal Treatment for treating the discomfort caused by the condition.

  3. Lichen Planus on the skin results in few bumps which are purplish in shading and flat topped. Very often, Lichen Planus Home Remedies for this issue is gone for controlling the causes and triggers. You could also try Lichen Planus Herbal Treatment for treating the discomfort caused by the condition.
