Monday, 21 July 2014

Top 10 Health Benefits of Basil

Basil is a highly fragrant herb most often used as a seasoning in cooking, but also it has become increasingly popular for its various health benefits. Basil leaves and flowers contain many chemical compounds that are known to prevent disease and promote health.
This low-calorie herb is rich with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. In addition, it offers essential nutrients including vitamins A, C and K, as well as manganese, copper, calcium, iron, magnesium and omega-3 fats. All these nutrients are very good for your overall health.
Here are top 10 health benefits of basil.

1. Treats Common Colds

Basil leaves can be used in the treatment of fever and common cold. Chew some fresh basil leaves for relief from colds and flus. During the rainy season, when there is risk of malaria and dengue fever, try to consume tender leaves of basil after boiling it in water. This will help you to keep yourself safe from these kinds of fever. When suffering from acute fever, a decoction of the basil leaves boiled with powdered cardamom in one cup of water must be consumed several times a day. The juice of basil leaves can be used to bring down high temperature.

2. Relieves Cough

Basil is a key ingredient in cough syrups and expectorants. But instead of buying those, you can make a home remedy that works just as well. Add eight basil leaves and five cloves to a cup of water and boil it for 10 minutes. You can add some salt for taste. Allow it to cool and then drink it to relieve coughing. For sore throat due to a cough, gargle with water boiled with basil leaves. Various compounds in basil help mobilize mucus, so it is also an effective treatment for other respiratory problems such as bronchitis and asthma.

3. Boost Immune System

Eating fresh basil leaves regularly will give your immune system a boost. Studies show that the various chemical compounds in basil may improve the body’s production of infection-fighting antibodies by up to 20 percent. For best results, use fresh basil rather than dried versions.

4. Stress Buster

Basil leaves also are regarded as an anti-stress agent. Various studies have shown that the leaves provide significant protection against stress. Health experts recommend chewing 10 to 12 leaves of basil, twice a day, to prevent feeling stressed and developing stress-related disorders. Chewing the leaves daily can also help purify your blood.

5. Improves Vision

Just 100 grams of fresh basil leaves provide the recommended daily dose of vitamin A. Vitamin A has antioxidant properties and is essential for healthy vision. Fresh basil juice is an effective remedy for sore eyes and night-blindness, which is commonly caused by Vitamin A deficiency. For sore eyes, put two drops of black basil juice into the affected eye daily before going to bed.

6. Prevents Acne

This herb prevents acne outbreaks and also speeds up the healing process of acne lesions. The oil in fresh basil leaves helps clear bacteria from the skin that contribute to clogged pores, a primary cause of acne. If you already have acne, apply basil juice to the affected areas to help destroy the bacteria. Basil can also be used to treat other skin problems such as ringworm, psoriasis and insect bites. The anti-inflammatory properties in fresh basil juice will reduce skin inflammation and provide relief. It also can be used to make your skin soft, supple and healthy.

7. Enhances Oral Health

Basil is good for oral health too. It can fight off bad breath, pyorrhoea and various other periodontal diseases. Put a few fresh basil leaves in the sun for one or two days. After the leaves are dried, make a powder from them and use it to brush your teeth. You can also mix the powder with mustard oil to make natural toothpaste. You can also massage it on your gums to get rid of bad breath.

8. Eliminates Kidney Stones

Basil has a strengthening effect on kidney functioning. To improve overall kidney functioning, consume five to six fresh basil leaves with water on an empty stomach. If you have kidney stones, mix freshly extracted basil juice with an equal amount of honey. Drink it every day without fail for about five to six months. This will facilitate elimination of kidney stones through the urinary tract.

9. Cures Stomach Problems

Basil is also good for your digestive system. You can extract basil juice from its leaves to treat stomach aches or cramps. Mix one teaspoon of basil juice with an equal amount of ginger juice and drink it to ease stomach pain almost instantly. You can also drink basil tea to treat other common stomach problems such as constipation, indigestion, piles and acidity.

10. Relieves Headache

Basil makes a good medicine for headaches, as it works as a muscle relaxant. Mix pounded basil leaves with sandalwood paste and put it on your forehead for instant relief from a headache caused by tension and tight muscles. Alternatively, drink basil tea twice a day. To make the tea, put some fresh basil leaves in a cup of boiling water and allow it to sit for a few minutes. Sip the tea slowly and your headache will vanish away gently. For mild headaches, you can chew some fresh basil leaves or massage your head with pure basil oil.
If you do not have a basil plant in your home, consider buying one so you have fresh basil available when you need it to treat these common problems.

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