Thursday, 24 July 2014

Natural Cure For Lung Cancer

The lung cancer manifests the lining of the bronchial tubes which deliver oxygen to our lungs and bloodstream.Chemotherapy and surgery is suggested by the doctors for treating lung cancer.

But, there are some home remedies which will help to cure cancer without any side-effect. Home remedies will not have any side-effects, so it’s better to use them.

Home Care For Lung Cancer


The healthy diet including uncooked fruits, vegetables and grains will help in lung cancer. Lots of salad and intake of distilled water is necessary for the patients.
Peanuts are not allowed in case of lung cancer. The citrus rich fruits and juices have also been taken by the patients regularly in the noon time.

Big ‘NO’ to sugar

Sugar and beefs have to be avoided in case of cancer as they enhance the growth of cells which will become worse. The sugar rich food has to be avoided. The lung cancer patients should also avoid smoking and consuming alcohol.
Avoid Refined Sugar

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is very essential for the patients suffering from lung cancer. Exposure to sunlight is the easiest way for the vitamin D.
Various food supplements containing Vitamin D can also be taken. Cow milk can be taken, but other dairy products should be avoided. The milk has to be taken in small quantity.
Vitamin D

Green Tea

Green tea has been proved to be an antioxidant, which is very helpful in lung cancer. Two cups of green tea in a day is very helpful and effective. Little honey, cardamom and lemon can be added to the green tea.
Green Tea


It is a tropical food, which is very helpful in cancer treatment and prevention. e or its extract can also be consumed.


It is found in red wine which helps in curing the lung cancer. It is recommended to drink two or three ounce every evening with the dinner.


There are many herbs which have cancer fighting ability. Consuming the herbs in the combination is the veryeffective and natural way of curing the lung cancer. These herbs include turmeric, ginger, thyme, astragalus, and arjuna.


It is the part of macrobiotic diet which has high healing power. It has been proved to be very useful for curing cancer.
It is a sea vegetable which has essential minerals and also traces of other essential elements which has detoxifying property.

Flax Oil

This is very effective for curing lung cancer. The consumption of flax oil should not be stopped and has to be consumed in small quantity daily.
Flax Oil

Raw Food

Raw food contains high-level of enzymes, which acts as the catalyst for chemical reaction that takes place in our body daily. In cooked food the enzymes get destroyed. So the cancer patient is advised to intake the raw food as much as possible.
The vegetables and fruits have to be consumed in raw form. If you are looking for the best possible natural process to cure lung cancer, then start following the above mentioned steps.
Fruits And Vegetables

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