Sunday, 20 July 2014

Home Remedies for Water Retention

Do you often find yourself complaining, “I feel really bloated” or “My feet are so swollen, I can’t put my shoes on” ? You probably have a condition known as edema in medical terms, or more commonly called water or fluid retention.
This refers to excessive accumulation of fluid in body tissues. It frequently occurs in the feet and legs, but can affect other parts of the body as well.
It can be caused by factors like high sodium intake, poor circulation, lack of exercise, vitamin deficiencies, venous insufficiency (a problem with blood flow from the veins in the legs back to the heart), stress, pregnancy, menstruation, hot weather, exposure to high altitudes, allergies, high blood pressure, heart problems, kidney problems, chronic lung disease, liver disease, thyroid disorders, certain medications and oral contraceptives.

Water retention usually causes swelling and puffiness in the affected body parts. It may also cause stiff joints, weight change, a bloated feeling, and increased blood pressure and pulse rate.
Here are the top 10 home remedies for water retention.

1. Dandelion

A 2009 study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine showed that dandelion has a diuretic effect. This makes dandelion a great solution for removing excess water from your body.
It is also loaded with potassium, which helps reduce sodium levels in the body. Moreover, being rich in magnesium, it is good for relieving pre-menstrual bloating.
  • Steep one teaspoon of dried dandelion herb in a cup of hot water for about 10 minutes. Strain and drink this tea up to three times a day.
  • You can also take dandelion tincture or supplements (500 mg one to three times a day).
Before starting any herbal remedy such as dandelion tea, make sure you consult your doctor as it may interfere with certain drugs.

2. Parsley

Like dandelion, parsley also has excellent diuretic properties.
  • Prepare parsley tea by putting two teaspoons of dried parsley leaves in a cup of boiling water. Let it steep for 10 minutes. Drink it up to three times a day.
  • You can also drink a mixture of fresh parsley juice and lemon juice.

3. Epsom Salt

An Epsom salt bath can help you get rid of water retention and a bloated tummy through reverse osmosis. It draws out excess fluids and toxins from your body. The relaxing bath also soothes sore muscles and calms the nerves.
  1. Mix two cups of Epsom salt in warm bathwater.
  2. Soak in it for about 15 minutes.
  3. Repeat up to three times a week.

4. Lemon Juice

Lemon juice helps flush out excess fluid and toxins from your body.
  1. Mix two tablespoons of lemon juice in a cup of warm water. You can also sweeten it with honey.
  2. Drink the solution.
  3. Continue taking this remedy once daily for a few days or until you see improvement.

5. Fennel Seeds

Studies have shown that fennel acts as a diuretic and helps increase sodium and water output from the kidneys. It also prevents the buildup of toxins in the body, aids digestion and relieves gas.
  1. Put one teaspoon of fennel seeds in a cup of hot water.
  2. Cover and let it steep for 10 minutes, then strain it.
  3. Drink this tea three times a day until you see improvement.

6. Nettle

Being a natural diuretic, nettle works well to prevent and reduce water retention.
  1. Boil a cup of water mixed with one teaspoon of powdered nettle root.
  2. Let it steep for about 10 minutes.
  3. Drink this tea three times a day until you see improvement.

7. Cranberry Juice

cranberry juice
Cranberry juice is another popular home remedy to cure fluid retention because of its diuretic properties. It is also rich in minerals like magnesium, potassium, and calcium that help maintain proper fluid balance. So, drink a cup of unsweetened cranberry juice daily for relief. You can also take cranberry pills.

8. Aromatherapy

essential oils

Aromatherapy can be useful in reducing water retention. It stimulates the lymphatic system and encourages fluid drainage.
  • Put 20 drops each of geranium, cypress and juniper essential oils in a warm bath.
  • Soak in it for at least 10 minutes.
  • Do this three times a week.

9. Apple Cider Vinegar

apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar relieves water retention by replenishing potassium in the body to help reduce sodium levels.
  • Add one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water. Drink it twice daily. You can increase the dosage of apple cider vinegar up to two tablespoons per glass.
  • If you have fluid retention in your legs, you can soak your feet in a warm foot bath made of equal parts of apple cider and warm water for about 10 minutes. It will also reduce foot odor.

10. Onion


Onions have diuretic and blood cleansing benefits. It will also prevent the formation of kidney stones.
  1. Boil a few raw onions in four cups of water.
  2. Add salt to taste and then strain the solution.
  3. Drink two or three cups of it a day for a few days.
In addition to these remedies, you can try eating more diuretic foods such as cabbage, cucumbers, watercress, celery, bananas, pineapple, and watermelon.
Also, drink plenty of water throughout the day (the body starts retaining water when it is dehydrated), limit your salt intake, drink less alcohol, and exercise regularly.

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