Monday, 21 July 2014

Home Remedies for Eczema Scars

Eczema is a chronic problem that causes inflammation of the skin’s outer layer. Eczema can be caused by excessive stress, allergies, dandruff, changes in weather, hormonal changes in the body and other factors. Symptoms of eczema include redness, itching, dryness, blistering, bleeding and scabbing. Often eczema leaves behind ugly scars, which take a lot of time to disappear if not treated.
Instead of using medicines or lotions, try some easy natural treatments for eczema scars.These treatments can give you relief from pain and itching associated with eczema and lighten or eliminate unsightly scars.

Here are the top 10 remedies for eczema scars.

1. Honey

Honey is used to treat a variety of skin problems including eczema scars. The antiseptic and antibacterial properties in honey can reduce eczema scars to a great extent.
  • Apply honey directly onto the affected skin area after washing the area thoroughly.
  • You can also make a scrub using honey and crystallized sugar. Scrub the affected area with it gently for a few minutes. Rinse off with cold water. Repeat this daily until the scar is completely gone.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar contains antifungal and antibacterial properties that can reduce eczema scars.
  • Mix two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and two teaspoons of honey in a glass of water and drink it three times a day. It will boost the immune system, which will gradually reduce skin inflammation and scarring.
  • You can also apply apple cider vinegar directly to the skin by mixing one part vinegar and one part water. This will help reduce itchiness and dryness.
Alternatively, you can simply massage the affected area with it once daily.

3. Indian Lilac

Indian lilac or neem works as one of the best natural home remedies for eczema as it helps reduce redness, irritation, and inflammation.
  1. Mix one tablespoon each of crushed neem leaves and turmeric.
  2. Add a little sesame oil to the mixture.
  3. Apply it on the affected area.
  4. Do this remedy once daily.

4. Oatmeal

Enjoying a regular oatmeal bath will help soothe skin affected by eczema.
  1. Grind one to two cups of oatmeal in a grinder or blender and add the ground oatmeal to warm bath water.
  2. Soak your body in the oatmeal bath for 20 to 30 minutes. Pat your skin dry using a very soft towel.
  3. Do this up to three times a day depending on the severity of the scars caused by eczema.

5. Aloe Vera

Another popular home cure for eczema scars is aloe vera. The anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties in aloe vera can reduce the irritation caused by eczema and will gradually lighten the dark scars.
  • You can apply aloe vera gel directly to the affected areas.
  • Alternatively,you can combine aloe vera gel and vitamin E oil to form a thin paste and apply it to the scarred skin. Leave it on overnight and in the morning wash it off with warm water.
Follow these remedies until the scarring is gone completely.

6. Baking Soda

Baking soda can be used as an exfoliant to remove scarred and dead skins cells without causing itchiness.
  1. Mix two tablespoons of baking soda with one tablespoon of water to make a smooth paste.
  2. Apply the paste to the scars and gently massage in circular movements for one to two minutes. Rinse it off with lukewarm water.

7. Olive Oil

Olive oil has powerful anti-inflammatory effects that can soften the skin and reduce redness. For treating eczema scars be sure to use extra virgin olive oil.
  1. Apply extra virgin olive oil directly onto the scars and give it a couple of minutes to start to soak into your skin. Gently massage the oil around the scars.
  2. Place a hot washcloth over the area, leaving it on until the cloth totally cools. Then wipe away the excess oil with lukewarm water.
  3. Do this once a day.
If olive oil is not available, then coconut oil can also be used.

8. Lemon Juice

The acidic property of lemon juice acts as a natural antiseptic that can lighten old eczema scars. The vitamin C present in lemon juice also helps your body create new skin cells and will brighten the skin tone.

  • Apply fresh lemon juice onto the affected area twice daily and leave it on for a few minutes.
  • Alternatively, you can exfoliate the skin with a mixture made from one part lemon juice and one part sugar. Use this remedy before going to bed.
  • Drinking water with lemon juice several times a day also helps remove toxins from your system.

9. Cocoa Butter

Cocoa butter is often regarded as a restorative salve for skin cells that can lighten dark scars. Apply pure cocoa butter on the scars daily and over time you will see them get lighter and lighter. For best results, be sure to use pure cocoa butter and not just lotions containing cocoa butter. Just like cocoa butter, shea butter can also be used to eliminate scars. Shea butter is rich with vitamins A and E as well as keratin, which help maintain the moisture level in skin. It also promotes rejuvenating and rebuilding the skin that helps eliminate scars.

10. Fish Oil

Regular intake of fish oil can also help minimize eczema scars. The omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil will heal the inflammatory symptoms associated with eczema.
  • Take 1,200 milligrams of fish oil three times daily to get rid of scars left by eczema.
  • Alternatively, you can also include food items rich in fish oil in your diet
It is important to remember that the scars will not vanish in a day or two. You’ll need to be patient and follow the remedies without fail for some time before you start noticing a difference.

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