Saturday, 26 July 2014

Herbal Remedies For Molluscam Contagiosm

Molluscam contagiosm is a disease caused by virus and it affects the skin leading to nodules and bumps. These are particularly seen in the areas like the hands, neck and the face. This disease is caused throughsexual contact and it’s contagious. It can spread through contaminated toys or clothes. People suffering from AIDS or people, who have low immunity and people who are young and old, can be infected.

The symptoms in the beginning are lesions and nodules, which appearin all the body parts other than the soles and palms. In adults, it occurs in the genital parts and the inner side of the thighs. The preferred treatment options are creams and drugs. Some herbal remedies are also suggested as some of them help in increasing the immunity and helps in supplying the body with a goodamount of antibiotics, which help in accelerating the healing process. A few herbal remedies for molluscam contagiosm are discussed below.

Best Herbal Remedies For Molluscam Contagiosm

Olive Leaf Extract

A great natural alternative to antibiotics is the olive leaf extract. This herb is known to be extremely effectual in the treatment of several fungal and viral infections and it’s a safe way to build your immune system.
Olive Leaf Extract
Oleuropein is an active ingredient found in the olive leaf. This ingredient is known to possess great healing powers and helps in combating fungi, bacteria and virus, which are responsible for causing diseases and infection. It is recommended to have a month’s supply of this herb and if the infection is acute, you can double the dose too.


According to the Centers for Disease control it is known that molluscam is caused by the virus. For any viral infection, it is important to strengthen the immune system, which helps in fighting the virus that lies beneath. Consuming garlic in the raw form is known to be effective in building the immune system and it also helps in eliminating the eruptions that occur due to molluscam contagiosm. 
The anti fungal and anti viral qualities of garlic are derived from allicin, which is the active ingredient it contains.This ingredient helps in killing the viruses internally and also the ones found externally on the skin.


Curcumin is the active component found in turmeric. This ingredient contains anti microbial, anti-inflammatory and anti viral qualities, which are known to be effective natural remedies to enhance the immune system.
This is greatly effectual in acting on the virus that causes molluscam contagiosm and speeding up the elimination of these viruses from the body. Turmeric is recommended to be used orally by applying it on the skin in the form of a poultice.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil in combination with coconut oil is a great remedy for treating molluscam contagiosm. This blend should be applied generously on the water warts caused due to molluscam. Tea tree oil is known to be a valuable herbal oil for treating these bumps and improves the chances of speedy recovery.

Black Pepper

In order to prevent the infection from spreading, taking black pepper is known to be valuable and useful. Its anti viral properties are known to act on the molluscam causing viruses and inhibit its growth and multiplication.
Black Pepper

Black pepper can be used generously as a seasoning spice in your day to day dishes. Since this spice is very hot, while giving it to children check on their individual tolerance level.

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