Saturday, 26 July 2014

Effective Herbal Remedies For Food Poisoning

Health problems arising due to intake of contaminated food is termed as food poisoningContaminated food contains infectious pathogens and which gives rise to stomach inflammation, stomach cramps,diarrhea, vomiting, fever etc. It is common for everyone to get atleast 1 or 2 bouts of food infection per year.

Food poisoning at times may not also need any medical treatment, but sometimes it may be become life threatening as well. Taking over the counter medicines at first instinct itself is not a good idea, as this weakens the body’s immune towards these infections. There are several well known herbs that counter off these infections and must be tried before one decides to dose on antibiotics. Let us look at a few herbs helpful in treating food poisoning.

Herbal Remedies For Food Poisoning


It is often prescribed for treating food poisoning due to its strong anti-biotic properties. A few drops of goldenseal liquid extract can be administered every four hours to fight off infections of stomach.
It is reputed for its action against diarrhea, problems of digestive system and gastrointestinal infections. It is also known for its detoxifying potentials.


Ginger root is a good remedy for all stomach ailments. It is a very strong anti-inflammatory and anti septic, which would mean that it can fight off many types of infections. It also brings relief in GI tract problems and dysentery, indigestion and gas.
Ginger root
Crush ginger root into some hot water and let it steep for a while. This infusion can be taken for a great relief in food poisoning. Intake of ginger ale also is a great benefit to food borne infections.


Licorice root in its dried form has been used from long times in Chinese culture for its various health benefits. It possesses anti-fungal, anti viral and anti-bacterial properties to help heal food borne stomach infections.
Licorice root
It is highly praised for its use for gastro-intestinal troubles, fluid retention and digestive disorders, hence it effectively cures food poisoning.


Chamomile is a natural anti biotic so it can eradicate the infection causing bacteria from body. Moreover it eases gastro-intestinal tract and cramps.
Drink chamomile tea to cure food poisoning as it prevents infection and also helps retain fluid in body. Chamomile also helps reduce the toxicity from food poisoning.


Peppermint is a famous Indian herb used as an antidote for food poisoning. It eases food poisoning by improving digestion, stomach griping pains, acid reflux, indigestion and removes gas by virtue of its menthol content.
Pour boiling water over a few leaves of peppermint and soak for 5 minutes. Take this solution 4 times a day. You can also take peppermint oil, as it is also proves to be a very good digestive tonic against food poisoning and vomiting. It also provides a powerful defense against various infectious organisms.


Basil is a natural anti-bacterial and is also a great protection against the infections of digestive tract. Add 1 drop of basil oil in a litre of water and consume it in over a day’s time. This is bound to help and bring down the food infection and related symptoms.

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