Tuesday, 15 July 2014

DIY – Homemade Hair Growth Tonic

“Oh, I lose hair every day and I don’t know what to do about it”. “Someone please tell me what to do for my thin hair”. “My hair just does not seem to grow”.
Don’t you hear such questions being echoed from everywhere around you? Well, I do. And I don’t play the blame game. Yes, the pollution level in the cities today can really wreck havoc with our hair. But the fact is that most of the people complaining about hair related problems do nothing to take care of their locks in the first place! Most lack the basic knowledge of how to pamper their hair. So, I decided to share my secret for long, healthy hair with you today!

Where did I hear about this homemade hair tonic?

Around 3 years ago, I had this sudden passion to grow my hair long and was all ears to any advice about hair growth. One of my friends passed me this recipe, and assured me that it worked. She had obtained this magical potion (so to say) from a hair expert in Lakme salon. And it worked like magic for my hair alright!

DIY – Homemade Hair Tonic for Hair Growth

What do you need?

Mustard oil, fenugreek seeds and of course you should know how to work with the stove!

What to do?

DIY hair tonic 01
  • Take around half a liter mustard oil.
DIY hair tonic 02
  • Pour all of it in a pan which is to be heated later.
DIY hair tonic 03
  • Take some fenugreek seeds. (you needn’t do the heart art like me)
DIY hair tonic 04
  • Drop half of the shown quantity (in the heart) in the pan containing oil.
DIY hair tonic 05
  • Ignite the stove and place the pan containing oil on low flame. Do not boil the oil by keeping it on high flame. Wait for the seeds to slowly turn black. That would take just about 10-15 minutes.
DIY hair tonic 06
  • Now turn off the stove and put the pan aside for 30 minutes or so, allowing the oil to cool down.
DIY hair tonic 07
  • After the said time, sieve out the oil in a bottle or any preferable storage container. Discard the seeds.
DIY hair tonic 08
  • You can clearly see the difference in the color of the oil. Mustard oil is generally golden brown in color where it has turned blackish brown with fenugreek essence after heating it with the seeds. Not only this, but the fragrance also changes; you can recognize the fenugreek essence by sniffing the oil.
There you have it – your own homemade hair growth tonic!

How to Use:

Oil your hair with this potion a night before you plan to wash your hair. If not so, massage with it at least 1 hour before head wash but the former idea would give better results in my experience. That is it, no hard work and no multi step procedure to follow every 3 days.
Trust me, I am the living proof that this tonic works like magic! Not only does it enhance hair growth but also turns the hair brown over a period of usage. If you do happen to like brown hair, use it alternatively with amla hair oil. I have passed on this recipe to many of my friends and most of them have witnessed great results.

Suggestions for Alternate Changes:

You can mix this tonic with olive oil in equal or less quantity if you wish to have both length and volume. Personally, this tonic enhances the length and olive oil enhances volume for my hair; that is why I suggest you try this combination too.
Note: You have to be patient and make it a part of your hair care regime permanently because hair doesn’t grow overnight unless you are Rapunzel’s descendent!
This easy to make tonic for hair growth is sure to give you the hair of your dreams. Do try it and come back to share your experience with us!

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