Saturday, 26 July 2014

Best 5 Herbal Remedies For Hormonal Acne

Hormonal acne is caused by an imbalance in the hormones. Women are the greatest victims of this affliction. For lots of women it seems to be a scourge and never ending. It begins in their girlhood and continues till they are well into their thirties.  It is mainly caused by the fluctuating estrogen and progesterone levels just before the monthly cycle is due or at the time of ovulation.

Women who have PCOS are never rid of acne. Hormonal acne usually occurs around the mouth, below the nose and on the chin. In severe cases it spreads to the jaw line and creeps further up to the cheeks and the forehead. It appears in the form of a rash with tiny little bumps or as cysts, filled with pus.
The cysts are very painful and the greater the inflammation the greater is the pain. Hormonal acne is also caused by elevated level of androgens which are male sex hormones. These hormones overwork the oil glands and make them produce too much oil which erupts in the form of acne on the skin.

Herbal Remedies For Hormonal Acne

Burdock Root

This herb is very effective in curing all types of skin conditions and disorders and it is particularly invaluable for treating hormonal acne. It is a great tonic and has powerful cleansing properties. It detoxifies the liver and keeps it clean and well able to manage the hormonal imbalance. Boil a glass of water and add one teaspoon of dried burdock root to it. Simmer for five minutes then strain the tea and drink three cups regularly. You will notice the difference in a few weeks’ time.
Burdock Root

Dandelion Root

This herb is very gentle and safe and has potent medicinal virtues. It aids digestion, cleanses the liver and flushes out all the toxins from the skin and the entire body. It keeps the skin clean and healthy and helps it to stay free from acne. Boil a glass of water, add two teaspoons of dried dandelion root to it and simmer for five to six minutes. Strain the tea and drink three to four cups of it daily.
Dandelion Root


Licorice is a powerful tonic which provides vital strength to the endocrine gland. It contains certain chemicals which help in maintaining the balance of the various hormones and prevent the flare-up of acne. Pound a piece of licorice root and simmer it in a glass of water for ten minutes after which strain the tea and drink thrice a day.

Stinging Nettle

This herb is renowned for its magical healing and curing powers and can be safely used for long periods of time. It is high in important minerals like calcium and iron and has powerful antioxidant properties which scavenge the harmful free radicals and expel them from the body and improve the function of the liver and the endocrine glands.
Once the liver starts functioning optimally then the balance of the hormones is automatically restored in the body. Boil one liter of water and add five teaspoons of dried nettle to it. Cover the pan and leave it for half an hour. Strain the tea and drink cupfuls of it throughout the day.
Stinging Nettle


Calendula is an excellent remedy for all kind of skin inflammation and acne. It purifies the blood and heals the damaged skin. Drink three cups of calendula tea everyday.

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