Sunday, 27 July 2014

6 Amazing Ways Of Using Neem Leaf

A shady Neem tree (Azadirachta Indica) is a common sight in an Indian landscape. Neem tree can survive in harsh weather conditions, providing shade to people in hot summer days. In India medicinal properties of Neem have been recognized since ages. People have used it to treat various ailments internally as well as externally. 

Although all parts of Neem tree are used for the purpose, but Neem Leaf is especially beneficial for treating ailments like diabetes, ulcer, piles, malaria, hypertension, heart ailments, hair problems, skin problems etc. Neem is antiseptic, anti bacterial and antiviral. It is a natural blood purifier. Neem leaf is used both fresh and dried for different purposes.

Amazing Ways Of Using Neem Leaf

Use Of Neem Leaf For Skin

Today neem is being used in soap, skin creams and body lotions to treat various skin problems. Neem leaf can be easily used at home to treat acne, brown spots, scars and pigmentation. For Acne, make a paste by grinding 10-12 neem leaves, apply the paste on affected areas for 15 minutes and wash with normal water. Boil 250 grams neem leaves in 2 litres of water, strain it and add ¼ cup rose to it and use it for last wash after your bath. It will help to cure skin allergies. Make a paste of 50 grams Neem leaves with curd. Use it to treat eczema.
Neem Paste

Use Of Neem Leaf For Hair

Neem leaf is used to treat the problem of head lice, dandruff, excessive hair fall and to improve hair growth. For dandruff, boil Neem leaves in water, cool and strain it. Use it to rinse your hair after shampoo. To get rid of Head Lice, boil and grind Neem leaves to make a paste and apply it on the scalp. Wash hair after 30 minutes. This treatment will control hair fall, will prevent premature greying and will also boost hair growth.
Hair Growth

Use Of Neem Leaf For Dental Problems

Dry Neem leaves in shade and grind to make powder. Use it to massage your gums to treat pyorrhoea. It will also strengthen the gums. You may add a pinch of clove powder and peppermint powder to make it more refreshing.
Neem Powder

Use Of Neem Leaf For Small Pox

Neem leaves holds tremendous traditional and medicinal importance in dealing with cases of Small Pox. Dried Neem leaves are spread under the sheet of patient to ward off infection. Extract juice of 10 Neem leaves and mix it with water. Give this water to a small pox patient for treating small pox. To lighten small pox marks, after the patient has recovered, apply the paste of Neem leaves on affected areas regularly. Gradually the marks will disappear.
Neem Juice

Use Of Neem leaf For Boils

Due to its antiseptic properties Neem leaf is highly beneficial for treating boils. Wash the boil with Neem leaf water to disinfect the wound. Make a paste of 10-12 Neem leaves and mix 1 tea spoon honey to it. Apply the paste on the boil.
Neem Water

Use Of Neem Leaf As Insecticide

Keep dried Neem leaves in rice, lentils and grains to preserve them for long periods of time. Place dried Neem leaves in your woollen garments to keep the worms away.
Dried Neem Leaves

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