Saturday, 26 July 2014

6 Amazing Home Remedies For Yellow Teeth

Everyone loves a shiny set of teeth. You can show off your set of teeth while laughing, and this can give you a lot of confidence. In fact almost every confident person has a set of good blemish-free teeth. You may have been blessed with such a set of teeth, but off late it has turned a bit yellowish. Regular brushing is not able to do away with it. You are feeling somewhat lacking in confidence.
You may not be laughing with your mouth wide open lest the yellow teeth be exposed to your friends, colleagues or relatives. There can be a variety of reasons behind yellowing of teeth such as lack of dental hygiene, drinking excess amounts of tea and coffee, excessive smoking, hereditary factors etc.  But whatever be the reason the yellow marks need to be done away with. You can do it at home. In fact there are a lot of home remedies for yellow teeth. Let us explore some of these.

6 Home Remedies For Yellow Teeth

Baking Soda

Controlled use of baking soda can be a very good remedy for yellow teeth. Baking soda is alkaline in nature and it can dissolve the impurities that have deposited on your teeth. It also has a scrubbing effect on the teeth thereby giving you a shiny set of teeth. To get the benefit of baking soda you should use a mouthwash of baking soda every night before going to sleep. This will correct your yellow teeth.
Baking Soda


Lemon is quite acidic in nature, and it’s bleaching property can rid your teeth of the yellow stains. It has been observed that lemon acts very well to rectify yellow teeth. For this gargle with a cup of warm water accompanied with a few drops of lemon. Do this daily and you will get back your shiny teeth.


Strawberry is a teeth whitening agent. It is able to do this because of the presence of vitamin C. To get the maximum benefit of strawberry you should grind some strawberries and use the paste to brush the teeth. If you do this regularly you will find that the yellow tinge has come down considerably.

Basil And Mustard

Basil leaves are great as antiseptic. These can fight fungal infections and build up of plaque. You can brush your teeth with powdered basil leaves dried in sun. It has been seen that this can remove stains on your teeth. Adding some mustard oil to it can be more effective against the stains.
Basil Leaves


Salt has a scrubbing effect on the teeth. Moreover, salt is mildly antiseptic in nature. You can give a scrub to your teeth with salt.
This will remove the stains and bring out the white teeth. It also helps to replenish the mineral content of teeth. This brings back the white teeth.


Charcoal is composed of crystals which impart a scrubbing property to it.  You can mix it with your regular toothpaste and brush the teeth. On regular application you will find that the yellow tinge has come down considerably.

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