Saturday, 26 July 2014

5 Herbal Remedies For Treating Anger

Anger is a very common symptom of stress, depression, anxiety and irritability; basically, it is a condition of the central nervous system. We all get angry at one point or the other but there are some people who frequently suffer from intense episodes of anger that may or may not result in harm to self and others.
An angry person will not be able to differentiate between right and wrong and will not understand logic. Fortunately for us anger can be treated and temper can be controlled if we decide to keep things calm. Certain medicinal herbs can do just that by helping keep the mind and body calm and healthy.

5 Herbal Remedies For Anger Treatment


Ginseng is a great mood enhancer and is often given to women suffering from post partum depression. It is also used in the treatment of menopausal symptoms like anger, depression and anxiety. Use panax ginseng or American ginseng to treat anger related problems; the herb will make you feel better about the situations in your life and reduce the frequency of violent verbal or physical confrontations. The herb is sold in the form of extracts, pills and tonics and can be easily brought from any drug store.


Since ancient times lavender has been used as a mood enhancer thanks to its aromatic properties that instantly lift your spirits and make you feel better about yourself and the world in general. It calms the agitated nerves and allows us to think better and clearer.
The herb also helps in the treatment of insomnia; many times our anger is due to lack of quality sleep making us irritated and grumpy most of the times. Drink a cup of lavender tea first thing in the morning to avoid giving in to angry outbursts.

Kava Kava

Kava kava is the herbal extract taken from the root of kava plant. The extract has medicinal properties required for treating disorders of the nervous system including anger. Drinking kava tea gives an instant boost to the mood and also helps us sleep better at night by relaxing the nerves and muscles. Kava has proven to be very useful in anger management since it reduces irritability and restlessness. A cup of kava tea early on in the morning is a good way to start an anger-free day.
Kava Kava


Rhodiola rosea is an herb belonging to the cold regions of Scandinavia and Russia. Since many years the herb has been used for successfully treating anger, depression and anxiety.
Studies have revealed that herbal tonic of rhodiola is very effective in treating almost all the disorders of the central nervous system because it calms the agitated nerves and relaxes the tensed muscles. Take 340 mg of the herbal supplement daily for 10 weeks to treat anger.

Holy Basil

Holy basil is a very useful medicinal herb and has proven to be very successful in the treatment of anger and related disorders. It is a great herb for helping the mind and body relax, which aids in dispelling any negative thoughts and feelings that may give rise to anger. Take 500 mg of basil supplement twice a day to control anger and to treat depression and anxiety that may be the cause of anger.
Holy Basil

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