Saturday, 26 July 2014

5 Effective Herbal Remedies For Heat Rash

heat rash occurs when the sweat glands located below your skin are not able to expel sweat out of the body and cool the body. The task of your sweat glands is to take sweat out of the body and evaporate it through pores on the surface of the skin. But sometimes, especially when you are wearing tight fitting clothes

the sweat cannot evaporate from the surface of the skin and get deposited on the sweat pores. This clogs the pores. Owing to thisclogging sweat can not escape from the pores and this gives rise to heat rash. You will have redness over the skin of the affected area. There may be a few blisters as well. The area gets inflamed and itchy and most of the times it is accompanied with a pricking sensation.

However, heat rash can be treated just by allowing the skin to be cold and let the air play over it. Though you can heal the area without going to the doctor you should see to it that the rashes do not get infected. If the area has got infected or if the heat rash has developed over a wide area of the body then you can take the help of herbs. There are a lot of herbal remedies for heat rash.

5 Herbal Remedies For Heat Rash

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a panacea for many skin maladies. It is a good moisturizer, an excellent anti-inflammatory and a good antiseptic herb. You will get relief from the itch and the pricky sensation.
Aloe Vera
The dryness of the area will also disappear. So just apply some aloe vera on the heat rash regularly. This willcure heat rash within a few days.

Yellow Dock

This herb is known for its cleansing effect on the skin. It is especially useful in the treatment of skin eruptions. It has been used since ancient times to treat acne and other skin problems.
Yellow Dock
Its astringent property is useful in bringing down inflammations. You can use yellow dock extract to treat heat rash.

Witch Hazel

The bark of this herb has been used since a long time to treat a variety of skin rashes including heat rash. It isantiseptic and anti-inflammatory in nature and can be used safely to treat wounds and irritations.
Witch Hazel
It forms a coating over the rashes and heals them. Talk to your doctor about the possible side effects and the dosage.


This household spice is known as a healer from the ancient times. Along with being friendly to your liver and stomach it is very good for your skin too. It is useful in treating minor skin blemishes such as cuts, burns, bruises and rash. However, the property of turmeric that is most useful in healing rashes, especially heat rashes is that it is capable of drawing out fluid and toxins from the rash.
This dries up the wounds and heals it fast. So apply a poultice of turmeric and honey on the rash daily. The anti-inflammatory property of honey will add to the efficacy of turmeric. Sandalwood has a cooling effect on the skin. However, that is not its only benefit. It is antiseptic in nature and is effective in healing skin blemishes especially burns.

Sandalwood And Coriander

Sandalwood powder has a cooling effect on the skin. It is also somewhat antiseptic in nature. It is used for minor skin blemishes, especially burns and rashes. Top it up with some coriander which is useful in preventing skin irritation.
Sandalwood And Coriander
So make a paste of sandalwood powder and coriander powder and mix it with honey. Apply the paste on the heat rash regularly.

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