Tuesday 15 July 2014

25 Effective Home Remedies For Good Health

We all want to be healthy, and try to stay away from diseases as much as possible. But there are some health conditions, such as cough, headache, toothache and cold, that we cannot

avoid. Sometime or the other, our body falls prey to these seemingly minor ailments. But, treating these common health problems should not warrant a trip to the doctor! Traditional

home remedies are good enough to treat these pesky problems and gives us overall good health. These home remedies are also called Paati Vaithiyam, Gharelu Nuskhe etc. Most of them are time tested and several generations vouch for their effectiveness.

Top 25 Home Remedies For Good Health:

The top 25 home remedies to treat common health issues and provide good health are discussed below:

1. Camphor Oil With Hot Castor Oil:

Knee pain is a common problem that you can usually come across in old and middle aged women and men. For alleviating knee pain, one can use camphor oil mixed with hot castor oil.

2. Camphor And Hot Coconut Oil:

Children often suffer from cold. A mixture of camphor and hot coconut oil can be applied on the chest as well as near the nose to cure the condition of cough and cold in infants and young children.

3. Bathing In Hot Water With Tulsi And Neem Leaves:

Giving bath to the babies in hot water with neem and tulsi leaves can help a lot in clearing nasal blockage. Sambrani can also be used along with the above mentioned leaves. It is better to boil the bathing water with these leaves and then mix cold water to bring the temprature down to normal for best results.

4. Dried Rose Petals, Sanpatti, Mishri And Snafu:

Constipation is a common health problem in both adults and children. To get relief from this painful stomach problem, grind 100 grams of dried rose petals and sanpatti along with 50 grams of mishri and snafu. Drink this powder with plain water before going to bed at night. This can effectively treat constipation, but only if consumed on a regular basis.

5. Banana Stem And Pomegranate Juice:

Individuals with gall bladder stones can drink the juice of banana stem every day in the morning. The juice should be consumed on an empty stomach. Eating pomegranate can also help in reducing the size of the stones.

6. Curd, Ghee, Besan, And Honey:

If you have blemishes on your face, then use a scrub made with curd, besan, ghee and honey. Scrub your face using this mixture for 5-10 minutes and then rinse off with water. Crushed tulsi and neem leaves can also be used in this mixture.

7. Mint Leave Paste, Sandal Wood Paste, Apple Juice:

Crush some mint leaves and make a paste. Apply it on the pimples and see the difference in a few days. The application of sandal wood paste during the summer can also prove to be effective. It can also keep your skin cool. Using apple juice on pimples can also banish those pimples. It can also help in removing scars, giving you flawless skin.

8. Cucumber And Potato Juice Combination:

A mixture of cucumber juice and potato juice in equal amount can prove to be an effective way to remove dark circles.

9. Lemon Juice And Honey Mixture:

Heat a mixture of lemon juice and honey in the oven. Consume this mixture slowly. It can help you in getting the mucus out, providing relief from sinusitis.

10. Sugar, Orange Juice, Salt And Water:

For treating diarrhea, you can use a solution of 1 spoon sugar, half cup orange juice, 1/3 cups water and 1/6 spoon salt. Consume ½ oz. of this solution in every 2 hours. Potato soup is also an effective remedy for diarrhea.

11. Cucumber Slices And Neem Leaves Extracts:

Cut thin cucumber slices and rub them on your lips regularly. Extracts of neem leaves can also help in improving chapped lips.

12. Garlic Cloves In Boiling Water With Salt:

Boil 4 Garlic cloves in water and mash them with a pinch of salt. Wrap this mixture in a woolen cloth and put on an aching ear to get relief from earache.

13. Poppy Seeds With Milk:

To get smooth and supple skin, you need to soak poppy seeds with a little milk. Keep it overnight and grind well the next day. Apply it on your face and see the difference!

14. Camphor:

Using camphor can provide relief from the burning and itching skin. A mixture of neem oil and powdered camphor can make your skin feel cool and relaxed.

15. Coriander Seeds In Water:

Boil 2 spoon coriander seeds and 1 glass of water. Strain the mixture after cooling it. Drink it twice a day. This will help lower the cholesterol level in the body.

16. Cider Vinegar:

Body odor has to be one of the most disgusting things ever! You can apply cider vinegar to combat body odor. You can also use tomato juice in bathing water and soak in it for 10-15 minutes to remove body odor.

17. Onion, Garlic Cloves With Rock Salt And Pepper:

In case of toothache, onion or garlic cloves can be used along with rock salt to get relief. Salt and pepper powder mixture can also be used to cure the pain.

18. Ginger:

To cure queasiness and motion sickness, use ginger! It is even better than the drugs used for curing this problem.

19. Chopped Onions In A Towel:

Take a towel and wrap some chopped onions in it. Apply it on a sprain affected area. Application of ice can also be helpful in reducing swelling.

20. Soak Methi Seeds In Water:

Soak methi seeds in water and grind the next day. Apply on the hair and wash without using any shampoo after 30 minutes to get rid of dandruff.

21. Beetroot Juice, And Butter And Sesame Seed Mixture:

Drink beetroot juice every morning or eat the mixture of butter and sesame seeds for consecutive 90 days on an empty stomach to get rid of cramps during period.

22. Neem, Coconut Oil, And Turmeric:

Apply a mixture of neem, coconut oil and turmeric every day for getting rid of dry skin. A mixture of neem powder and green gram flour can also work well.

23. Orange Juice:

Drinking orange juice can help in preventing sores in the mouth.

24. Egg White And Coconut Oil:

Mix coconut oil and egg white, apply it on the face. Wash off with cold water when the mixture dries. This prevents wrinkles and other signs of aging.

25. Fenugreek Seeds Soaked In Water:

Soak 100 fenugreek seeds in 250 grams of water. Keep it overnight and mash them the following morning. Sieve it through a cloth, consume this mixture regularly. This will help cure diabetes effectively. The home remedies mentioned above are no doubt effective and helpful.

They are inexpensive and help in curing health problems from the roots. In case, the problems persist even after using the remedies, then it is better that you consult a physician. It is time we looked beyond OTC medication to get relief from everyday health problems. Natural remedies

in a great way offer relief without harming the body further. So, stock up on these natural remedies and be healthy, naturally! Do you use natural remedies?Share few of your health tips with us in the comments section below!


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