Tuesday 15 July 2014

20 Effective Home Remedies For Sore Eyes

Sore eyes are quite a menace for people to deal with in their day-to-day lives. Clear vision is something that we are all dependent on. Naturally, an ailment that hinders our vision is a massive nuisance to us. But unfortunately, most of us cannot hide from sore eyes. All of us will face this problem at some point in life.

Top 20 Home Remedies For Sore Eyes:

Endless hours spent on PC, laptop or TV can really make our eyes tired and sore. So, is there a way we can find relief from sore eyes? Yes, there is. Not only one but 20 easy, natural methods to give your eyes some rest!

1. Splash Your Eyes With Cold Water:

One of the most common home remedies to treat sore eyes is to splash the eyes with cold water. If this does not help, then you can try wrapping some ice cubes in a clean cotton towel and placing them on your eyes. You can even use ice packs in place of ice cubes. This may help in relieving some of the soreness from your eyes.

2. Use Frozen Foods:

In case there is no ice cubes or ice packs available at home, you can always use other frozen food items instead. Take the frozen food item and place it in a clean piece of cloth and then put it over your eyes for about 10 minutes. It would have the same soothing effect that the ice packs or ice cubes would have on your eyes.

3. Apply Slices Of Cucumber:

It is a known fact that cucumber has a cooling effect on our body. It has the same effect on our eyes as well. When you go to a beauty parlor to get a facial done or when a mud pack or any other herbal pack is applied to your face, slices of cucumber are often placed on your eyes. This is done to protect your eyes from any chemical that might be present in the packs. It also happens to have a soothing affect on your eyes. The best way to use the cucumber slices is to first soak them in ice cold water for approximately 10 minutes and then put them on your closed eyelids for another 10 minutes. This is bound to heal any soreness or irritation that your eyes may be affected with.

4. Using Aloe Vera:

Aloe vera has always been known to have healing properties. You can squeeze the aloe vera juice out of the plant and freeze it for a while. Blend with some cold water. Then, dip a clean piece of cotton into this mixture and apply it to your closed eyelids. This has an extremely relaxing effect on your eyes.

5. Castor Oil Eye Drop:

If you have ever read the ingredient list on your eye drop bottle, you must have noticed that castor oil is a common ingredient that is found in maximum brands of eye drops. So, what you can do is buy a dropper and use it to suck in pure castor oil and apply 1 or 2 drops each to both your eyes. This has a soothing effect on your eyes and can help to reduce eye irritation. You can repeat this process as many times as you need in a day.

6. Using Rose Water:

Rose water is quite a well known home remedy when it comes to relieving eye soreness. The process is easy. All you need to do is dip a piece of clean cotton wad in rose water and then gently caress the cotton over your closed eyelids. You will feel the cooling sensation almost immediately!

7. Apply Cold Bread:

This is probably an unheard procedure. But it works! All you need to do is get two loaves of cold bread and place them on both the eyes. This helps in decreasing any inflammation, irritation or itchiness that you may be feeling in your eyes.

8. Mixture Of Apple Cider Vinegar With Water:

Soak a clean cotton ball in a mixture of one tablespoon of pure apple cider vinegar and water, and then apply it to your eyes to give instant relief to your eyes. This is because it contains maleic acid, which is helpful in fighting bacterial infections that affect the eyes.

9. Crying:

Now, we do not want you to be upset! But crying does help. Crying helps to lubricate the eyes and washes out the impurities from the eyes. However, it is normally not possible to simply start crying at the drop of a hat. But there is a way that can be used to induce the same effects as crying. By adding table salt to a liter of distilled water you can create your own homemade saline solution. Now, use a dropper to put this solution into your eyes. The burning sensation that this solution will produce will make artificial tears appear in your eyes!

10. Use Chilled Spoons:

If your eyes have swelled due to soreness, this is one method that you can apply that will help to decrease your pain quickly. First of all, you should take at least four metal spoons and place them all in a glasses of cold water individually. Now, once the spoons have become chilled, place them over your eyes. As the spoon starts to lose its coolness, switch it with another chilled spoon. Keep repeating this process until you find relief. This method works because the chilled metal spoons restrict the blood vessels, which in turn help in reducing the puffiness of your eyes.

11. Use Chamomile Eyewash:

Homemade chamomile eyewash is known to have a cooling and soothing effect on the eyes. Making this eyewash is a fairly simple process. All you need is to add a teaspoon of dried chamomile flowers to a cup of boiled water and steep it for about 5 minutes. Follow this by straining the solution and then let it cool for a while. If you are not comfortable with the concept of eyewash, then you can also use this solution as a compress.

12. Apply Tea Bags:

Tea is a very popular home remedy for treating sore eyes. Tea contains bio-flavonoids, which are helpful in fighting various bacteria and infections. You can place some black or green tea bags on your eyes for several minutes to help decrease inflammation. You should moisten the tea bags in case your eyes are swollen. In case you feel itchiness in your eyes, the tea bags will help to reduce that too since it contains tannic acid. You can also make a solution by draining the tea bags and use it as eyewash!

13. Milk And Honey Solution:

A mixture of warm milk and honey can be used as an eye drop to get relief from sore eyes. Honey is known to possess anti-bacterial qualities and when mixed with warm milk, it can sooth the eyes and can also effectively treat conjunctivitis. Add honey to warm milk and stir it until it dissolves completely. Then, with the help of an eyedropper, put this solution into your eyes. Repeat this process several times in a day to get relief.

14. Baking Soda Solution:

Take a cup or glass that can fit around your eye. Add a teaspoon of baking soda and fill the glass or cup with water halfway. Hold the glass or cup over your eyes and try and keep your eyes open for as long as possible. Try and roll your eyes around for a minute or two. This process helps in completely cleaning your eyes and flushing out any impurities that may have entered.

15. Use Pieces Of Potato:

Potato is a food item that is easily available in every household. Putting a piece of grated potato on your eyes can help to reduce any sort of eye inflammation. Place the pieces of potatoes over your eyes for about 15 minutes and repeat this process for at least 3 nights. This process is helpful since potato is an astringent, which helps in reducing eye soreness.

16. Use Goldenseal Herbal Compression:

Goldenseal is an herb, which is beneficial for reducing eye irritation. A mixture of a cup of boiled water with two teaspoons of Goldenseal can be used as an eye compress to soothe your eyes. This solution can also be used as a homemade eye drop and applied to your eyes at least 2 to 3 times on a daily basis.

17. Coriander Eye Drop:

Coriander is a 100% natural herb and is an excellent cure for infected eyes. First of all, take some coriander leaves and grind them to extract the juice out of them. Now, take an eyedropper and suck in this liquid. Pour two drops each of this eye drop solution into both the eyes. Although, you can limit using this solution to only the infected eye, but it is advisable that you pour the eye drop in the non-infected eye as well as a precautionary measure.

18. Drinking Indian Gooseberry Juice:

A juice made out of Indian gooseberry is an amazing homemade remedy for sore eyes. Indian gooseberry juice mixed with honey is effective for combating infections and eye soreness. This juice also helps in building and enhancing our immune systems. It also happens to be a favorite summer drink since it has a cooling effect on the body.

19. Wearing Sunglasses:

A great many number of eye related problems can be avoided simply by wearing sunglasses. When you step out of your house into the direct rays of the sun, always remember to wear sunglasses. But, purchasing just any sunglass is of no use. Make sure that the sunglass you buy has UV protection. Also, if you happen to be a swimmer, then make sure to wear goggles when you enter the pool to prevent the chlorine from affecting your eyes. Chlorine has a tendency of making your eyes itch and has also been known to make eyes red and puffy.

20. Drink Lots Of Water:

One of the easiest and most natural home remedies for dealing with eye soreness is drinking lots of water. Your eyes need to be kept hydrated and this can be easily done by drinking plenty of water. During the summer months, water helps in not only cooling your body but also energizing it. This helps in improving your immune system.
Apart from all these sore eyes home remedies, the one thing you need to do to keep your eyes healthy is sleep well! A large number of eye related illnesses are caused by stress. Lack of proper rest and sleep are major factors behind the increased levels of stress. That is why it is important that you give your body and mind a break! Sleep for at least 8 hours every day to keep stress at bay.
Another important factor is a healthy diet. A wholesome, nutritious diet can keep you stress free and also keep your eyes healthy!
The home remedies mentioned here have been known to be useful and effective. So, trying out any one of them, or a combination of them, will surely go a long way in curing your eye soreness. But if your eye soreness still persists, then it would be in your best interest to consult your doctor.
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