Saturday 19 July 2014

15 Effective Home Remedies To Get Relief From Indigestion

A feeling of fullness, nausea, belching and flatulence, and in some cases; a burning sensation in the upper abdomen and a piercing abdominal pain – you recognise the symptoms, don’t you? Almost everyone must have faced a bout of indigestion at some point of time; and although not a serious problem, this can make one feel terribly uncomfortable and ill at ease.
A severe bout of indigestion can also cause the stomach acids to flow up to the mouth, thus imparting a bitter, acidic taste. Indigestion rather than being an illness in itself is more of a symptom of an underlying health problem like stomach ulcers, GERD or Gastro-oesophageal Reflux Disease, Gallbladder problems and so on.
Indigestion can also be caused due to other reasons like high stress, erratic eating and sleeping habits, and living an ill-suited lifestyle. Certain medication that is consumed can also give rise to indigestion as a side effect.
Listed below are a host of simple and quick home remedies for indigestion that can be used to alleviate and cure indigestion.

Indigestion Home Remedies

1. Lemon and Ginger:

One of the easiest remedies to prepare, it is also one of the tastiest remedies on our list! Mix two spoons of lemon juice and ginger juice in a glass of warm water. Ginger juice can be extracted by finely grating the ginger and squeezing the juice from it. You can also add a small spoon of honey to this mixture and consume it before or after a heavy meal.

2. Fennel Seeds: 

This is one power-packed remedy for indigestion, and is especially useful when the malaise is caused due to spicy or rich food. Fennel seeds contain compounds that not only help alleviate the feeling of nausea but also reduce flatulence. Fennel seeds can be chewed raw. You can also dry roast the seeds and grind them to a fine powder. This powder can be added to a glass of water and consumed twice a day. A concoction of crushed fennel seeds in hot water can be sipped for effective relief as well.

3. Pineapple:

A small glass of pineapple juice after a meal is another best home remedy for indigestion. The enzyme Bromelain present in pineapple regulates the acid levels in the stomach, giving a soothing effect.

4. Chamomile Tea:

Sipping on a hot cup of chamomile tea relaxes the stomach muscles and helps one get rid of the bloated and stuffy feeling caused by indigestion. Chamomile also soothes nausea which commonly occurs with this condition.

5. Cumin: 

Cumin has been known far and wide for its healthy digestive properties. One can add a teaspoon of roasted cumin that has been finely powdered to a glass of water and consume it. One can also make a concoction by adding a heap of cumin seeds to hot water and allowing it to boil. Strain the liquid and drink it warm for quick relief from indigestion, as well as other digestive ailments.

6. Lemon:

Lemon is an excellent remedy for reducing nausea and the bloated feeling that comes with indigestion. Mix a teaspoon of lemon juice with a bit of mint juice and honey and consume.

7. Carrot: 

Carrots contain various enzymes that stimulate the production of saliva and other digestive juices, thereby boosting the process of digestion. Carrots can either be chewed or taken in the form of juice.

8. Apple Cider Vinegar: 

Popularly known as ACV, Apple Cider Vinegar has been used as a remedy to battle a variety of illnesses, including indigestion. ACV promotes digestion and has a calming effect on the digestive system. You can mix Apple Cider Vinegar with water and drink this couple of times a day. ACV can also be mixed with a teaspoon of honey in a glass of water and sipped twice or three times a day for relief from indigestion.

9. Orange:

Orange contains citric acid and is an excellent home remedy for indigestion. Before a meal, you can drink a glass of orange juice, or eat it raw to prevent indigestion. It increases the acid content in the stomach, thereby boosting the digestive process.

10. Cinnamon:

This wonderful spice is not only a pleasant addition to various dishes, but is an excellent weapon against indigestion too. The compounds present in cinnamon relieve bloating and abdominal cramps quickly. Make a concoction of cinnamon and hot water. Drink a small quantity of this after your meals to alleviate indigestion.

11. Peppermint:

Since time immemorial, Peppermint has been used as a natural cure against assorted illnesses; but more so for digestive ailments. Peppermint relaxes the muscle lining of the gut and eases cramps. It stimulates digestion as well and cools down the burning sensation common to indigestion. Peppermint can be consumed in the form of tea, capsules, or candy.

12. Baking Soda:

Baking soda is one of the quick fix home remedies for indigestion, as it helps to relieve the icky bloated sensation and gassy feeling associated with indigestion. Mix a spoon of baking soda in half a glass of water and drink it. The carbon dioxide present in this solution helps to expel gas and clear the stomach. But please remember that baking soda is not advisable as a remedy for chronic indigestion.

13. Aloe Vera:

Consuming a small quantity of food grade aloe vera juice easily available at any health store helps to relieve indigestion. Aloe vera has mild laxative properties that stimulate digestion. Aloe also neutralizes stomach acids and provides quick relief from the burning sensation commonly experienced during indigestion.

14. Pomegranate:

Mix a spoon of honey in a glass of pomegranate juice to reduce giddiness and nausea due to indigestion. This juice can be consumed twice or three times a day.

15. Buttermilk: 

If you are looking for a tasty remedy for alleviating indigestion, then drink buttermilk after or before a meal. You can add a spoon of roasted cumin powder to this to boost the digestive properties of this remedy.
With these easily available indigestion home remedies, you need not suffer the discomfort of indigestion for too long. Instead, you can get some much-needed and speedy relief with the help of these easy natural cures. In case the indigestion occurs too often or is chronic, it is recommended that you opt for a medical check-up to ascertain the underlying cause.


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