Tuesday 15 July 2014


1. Do not eat too much

Watermelon is good for health, but it is food for welding applications, so do not eat too much. Otherwise it will cause diarrhea, abdominal distension, anorexia ... 94% meat watermelon is water, with such a large amount of water it dilutes the stomach, causing indigestion and affect gastrointestinal function.

2. Easy to convert into fat

Although watermelon is a fruit, but good for the skin because the sugar content is very high, easy to convert into fat with girlfriends are intending to lose weight should consider when choosing this fruit.

3. Do not eat watermelon when the body is cold

When the body is infected with cold, either cold or no matter what the cause should not eat watermelon. If the food is not welded to aggravate symptoms of cold. When cold will cause the body to increase high fever, thirst, sore throat, dark urine ... In the opinion of health professionals, regardless of the cold winter or hot summer, the first phase of feeling flu are expressed stage should not exceed the level of serious disease, it can take advantage of to treat them promptly from the emerging diseases. Because if not treated early, the disease will be more severe and difficult to treat even radical left negative sequelae.

4. Watermelon should not have spent so long

Summer high temperatures, suitable for bacterial growth. If cleft watermelon at room temperature for too long will cause bacteria contamination, leading to gastrointestinal disease.

5. These people should not eat kidney failure

Weak kidney function reduces excretion as well as "purification" of harmful substances in the body, so often appears the leg swelling. If eating too much watermelon will increase the amount of water in the body, and they can not promptly excreted out of the body of water leads to water in the body of excess water storage capacity of the body, increasing blood volume up, so the situation is not more serious swelling but also lead to fatigue, exhaustion. So dear ones recommended or kidney disease should not eat less or eat watermelon to ensure health.

6. Do not eat during inflammation, mouth ulcers

According to the concept of medicine, the cause of mouth ulcers are due to the negative thermal failure, failure Venerable. Watermelon has a diuretic, if the disease is eating too much watermelon would make the amount of water in the body is excreted rapidly and cause water shortages in many a mouth as dry mouth, causing negative thinking, hot, prolonged disease process hardly radical treatment.

7. Diabetics limit eating watermelon

Watermelon contains more than 5% of the sugar, mainly glucose, sucrose, fructose and sugar so eating watermelon finish high blood sugar. The body normally releases insulin to help maintain stable blood sugar levels in urine. People with diabetes are entirely opposite, when eating watermelon in a short time not only for high blood sugar, but also disrupt metabolic processes in the body (especially the People with severe diabetes) poisoning, even dangerous to life.

People with diabetes require daily diet must be reasonable, strict control of carbohydrates in the body. Thus, in one day if they ate a lot of watermelon to reduce foods rich in carbohydrates such as rice, noodles ... the corresponding to avoid worsening disease.

8. Pregnant women

Eating too much watermelon while pregnant will cause your blood sugar to rise. During pregnancy, many women's psychological instability, there are many physiological changes, insufficient secretion of insulin, causing the effect of reducing blood sugar, blood sugar levels pushed up, causing out diabetes. Eating cold watermelon made easy pregnancy abdominal pain and diarrhea. Therefore, pregnant women should not eat too much watermelon, watermelon eating more and not chilled, though the sultry summer days to have it.

9. Do not eat watermelon before and after meals

Watermelon is a fruit that contains more water, if consumed immediately before and after meals, the ingredients in most of the countries in watermelon will dilute the digestive juices in the stomach, affect digestion and absorption food of the body. Together with the large amount of water in the body will contain the majority of the capacity of the stomach to cause satiety, reduce food stimuli, affecting health (especially the health of children, pregnant women). Therefore, those who want to lose weight can eat watermelon moderate amount immediately before meals to reduce the amount of food in the body.

10. Do not eat cold watermelon

In hot summer weather days, eating cold watermelon is the top choice of beverage needs, fend off the heat. However, it left tremendous impact to your stomach, so make sure the temperature is kept fresh watermelon is the best, do not need too cold. The simplest and most effective is the watermelon should result in the final of the refrigerator compartment, keeping the temperature between 8-10 degrees C. At this temperature in order to ensure both remain fresh melon flavors of melon. Each time the food should not exceed 500 grams, eating slowly is best.

In addition to the cavities, whose digestive system is not performing well need special attention, do not eat cold watermelon is best met by the sudden cold, tooth decay will be extremely painful, tract operation of ineffective health affects.


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