Saturday, 19 July 2014

10 Effective Home Remedies To Treat Cellulite

Looking for ways to get rid of cellulite from your body? What is cellulite in the first place? Cellulite is a medical condition in which the skin, mainly on the abdomen, pelvic region and thighs, becomes dimpled. It is a problem that can affect anyone, including men, women and children. Yet, women are affected the most. An estimated 85% of women suffer from this condition.
Cellulite is mainly the accumulation of fat cells, proteins and toxins that have not been eliminated by the body. It can even affect people who have relatively no fat in their bodies. It gives a unique appearance to the skin, like that of the dimpled surface of an orange peel. The contributing factors include an improper diet, smoking, obesity, pregnancy, lack of exercise, not drinking enough water and stress. But, these are not absolutes. One can get rid of the cellulite naturally by doing exercises, yoga, and following some home remedies.

Top 10 Home Remedies To Treat Cellulite:

Here are the top 10 home remedies, which you can use to treat cellulite effectively:

1. Honey And Lemon:

Try to add a little honey and lemon in lukewarm water, and drink it. This is considered one of the best remedies to reduce cellulite.

2. Green Tea:

Consumption of green tea stops the production of fat-absorbing enzymes. This boosts up the metabolism and helps to burn the fat. Make a habit of having green tea in the morning in place of coffee.

3. Coffee Scrub:

Caffeine is used as a common ingredient in many anti-cellulite creams. Coffee scrub exfoliates the skin and caffeine works as a tightening agent. To make this scrub, add moisturizing lotion to a little amount of coffee powder. Combine the ingredients to make a paste and massage it gently on the skin for several minutes. Wash it off with lukewarm water.

4. Salt Water Bath:

Add salt in warm water and take bath in it once it comes down to a soothing temperature. Bathing in this water for 20 minutes on a regular basis will also help in reducing the cellulite content from the body.

5. Dry Brushing:

Dry brushing helps to break up the toxic material that cellulite is composed of. It also tightens the epidermis. This is a popular and one of the simplest ways to reduce cellulite. Be sure that the bristles are made with natural fibers. They should be somewhat stiff but not too hard.

6. Juniper Oil:

Juniper oil effectively reduces cellulite as it has detoxifying properties. Mix 20-30 drops of juniper oil in 4 ounces of olive oil. Massage the mixture on the affected area for 10 minutes. Repeat the process twice a day. After a month, you will notice that your skin has become softer and firmer.

7. Apple Cider Vinegar:

Mix 1 part of apple cider vinegar with 2 parts of water and add a bit of honey to it. Rub the mixture on the affected areas. Leave for 30 minutes and then rinse it off with warm water. It can also be used as an oral remedy. Make a mixture of 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with an 8 ounce glass of water and add a small amount of honey to it. Drink this daily in the morning.

8. Cayenne Pepper:

Cayenne pepper helps to speed up the metabolism level as it has the ability to naturally heat up the body and increase blood circulation. Since it is a fat burner, it reduces the appearance of cellulite.

9. Healthy Diet:

Follow a healthy diet that is nutritionally rich and low in fat. Avoid eating processed foods and junk foods. Include green leafy vegetables, beans, and whole grains. Also include fresh salads and a variety of fruits in your diet. Getting enough fiber will also help to reduce the cellulite.

10. Drink More Water:

Hydration is crucial for maintaining the overall health. Drink enough water to acquire a smooth texture and healthy glow in your skin. Avoid smoking and reduce the salt intake in your food.

Cellulite can make anyone feel self-conscious, and one may feel inclined to empty his wallet to get rid of this condition. But, now that you know about these home remedies, you don’t have to worry any longer. These remedies cost little. So, avoid stress, eat healthy, exercise regularly and be ready to look great.

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