Wednesday, 16 July 2014

10 Effective Home Remedies To Treat Ringworm

Are you troubled by inflamed pink patches on the skin that you cannot stop itching? Ringworm, that’s the diagnosis. Simple yet effective home remedies help cure this itching skin condition in no time.
Ringworm looks ungainly and feels terrible but is definitely not uncommon. Studies suggest that 2 out of every 10 persons are tormented with this infection and go pillar to post looking for a remedy that works. Ringworm can occur virtually on any part of the body, such as hands, feet, groin, and even the torso! A person who has contracted ringworm exhibits rashes on their skin, which are circular in shape. The rashes appear red, are flaky and cause the skin to itch. This at times is coupled with a burning sensation.
People who share locker rooms, swimming pools or have pets stand a greater risk of contracting the infection. But don’t worry! Ringworm is anything but incurable. It can be cured by using simple ingredients available around the house! Here are the top 10 ringworm home remedies that can treat the infection effectively:

Home Remedies for Ringworm

1. Garlic:

Yes, it does smell gross, and stings too! But garlic has incredible anti-fungal properties. Be it rashes or a bad case of nausea, a small clove of garlic is sure to work wonders! Finely crush a few cloves of garlic and rub it over the rashes. Leave it on for 10 minutes and rinse off. Follow the remedy diligently till the rash disappears completely.

2. Holy Basil:

The holy basil or tulsi, as it is more popularly known in India, is nature’s best gift when it comes to natural medicine. Basil is loaded with medicinal properties and can easily cure fungal infections like ringworm. Gently crush a few leaves of fresh basil till they begin to release their juice. Collect this juice in a small ceramic bowl and apply it on the rash and let it dry. You can repeat this procedure several times a day. Not only will the tulsi  help cure ringworm; it also will help curb the urge to itch those ugly patches!

3. Vinegar:

Yes, vinegar! The very same thing that adds that touch of tang to your noodles can also work to cure ringworm. This is one of the simple ringworm remedies used readily that it will barely take a few seconds. Mix a tablespoon of vinegar with some salt to make a paste. Apply it on the rash and leave it on for 5 minutes. Wash off with lukewarm water and pat dry with a soft cotton towel. Do this for a whole week, and you will be rid of those pesky ringworm patches.

4. Turmeric:

This is one antiseptic favoured by most cultures across the world, owing to its ability to cure most skin ailments. This seasoning works great for ringworm and does not leave your skin dry unlike other over the counter ointments. Take some powdered turmeric and add a few drops of water to it. Mix well to make a thick paste. Gently rub the paste over the rash and leave it on for 15 minutes and wash off. Be sure to wear dark coloured clothes, as turmeric stains easily.

5. Mustard:

Mustard oil is yet another potent remedies for ringworm you should try if you are plagued by ringworms. Apply a spoonful of mustard oil over the rashes. Be as liberal as you can. Let it stay for 30 minutes before you head for the shower to remove the stickiness. Follow this for a few weeks for best results. You can also use powdered mustard to make a paste and gently rub the paste over the rash. Wash off after it dries.

6. Papaya:

If you have ever tried a pack of papaya on your face, you will vouch that it leaves your skin soft, supple, and radiant. Now it is time to use the same papaya to treat ringworm, only use it raw not ripe! Slice a raw papaya and gently rub the insides onto the rash. The juice will have an instant calming effect and you’ll be free of the urge to constantly scratch those patches!

7. Aloe Vera:

This spiny cactus that adorns your garden has magical abilities and is used to treat burns and other skin conditions. Loaded with anti-fungal and antiseptic properties, this remedy is a godsend for those afflicted with ringworm. Cut a stem of the aloe plant and extract the gel by scraping it with a spoon. Apply the gel on the rashes, for immediate relief from itching and burning that generally are the most common and nagging symptoms of a ringworm infection.

8. Neem:

Neem is certainly God’s gift to mankind. Every part of the neem tree, be it the roots, the leaves, or the bark has medicinal properties and is used extensively to treat myriad health ailments. To treat ringworm rashes, apply a paste of freshly crushed neem leaves onto them. Leave it to dry and then rinse off. You may also add some neem leaves in a bucketful of warm water and let it stand for half an hour. Use this water to bathe. Enriched with antifungal and antibiotic properties, the neem will begin its work in barely a few minutes. But be patient, for even neem takes time to win over ringworm!

9. Tea Tree Oil:

Tea tree oil is yet another sure shot remedy that will not boomerang. This is also one of the best home remedies for ringworm you will be thanking me for. Lightly fragrant and non-sticky, tea tree oil blends into the skin and gently treats the most stubborn cases of ringworm. Soak a cotton ball in pure tea tree oil and apply it on the rash. Enriched with anti-fungal properties, the oil works great in treating a host of skin conditions, including ringworm.

10. Castor Oil:

I still remember the day my dear old grandmother tried to down a cupful of castor oil into my mouth to treat constipation! My taste buds will never forget that bitterness. Yes, castor oil has indeed been used to purge the system for several decades, and now has found its use in treating ringworm too. Castor oil is rich in anti-fungal agents and when put in contact with ringworm patches, can miraculously heal them.

These simple ringworm home remedies have been tried and tested by several men and women who will testify to their potency in treating ringworm. We do hope that you found these tips helpful. Follow the one that works best for you until the rashes disappear completely. Remember, the ringworm is contagious. Avoid sharing clothes and towels with other people. Stay clean, stay healthy!

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