Wednesday, 16 July 2014

10 Effective Home Remedies To Stop Nose Bleeding

A bleeding nose can be scary. Fortunately, more often then not, nosebleeds are nothing to panic about. But the sight of blood dripping down the nose can send people into frenzy! So, when you see blood gushing out of a nose, just calm down for a second and repeat: ‘It’s just a little blood. No biggie!’
Jokes apart – What causes a nose to bleed in the first place? A bleeding nose can be caused due to various reasons such as excessive sneezing or rubbing, dry winter air, injury, allergies, respiratory problems like sinusitis or infections like scarlet fever, malaria or typhoid. The tiny blood vessels in the nose can swell and rupture, causing nosebleed, which may be a mere trickle or a continuous stream. However scary it may look, please do remember that most nosebleeds are harmless and can be easily managed by home remedies. Given below are some of the remedies for nose bleeding to stop.

Home Remedies for Nose Bleeding

1. Sit Upright:

Your posture plays an important role in stopping blood from dripping out of your nose. The first thing to do is to sit calmly in an upright position. Avoid leaning back to prevent the blood from going down the back of your throat. Breathe through your mouth and tilt your head forward. This simple tip can easily manage minor nosebleeds. Remember to stay calm!

2. Apply Pressure:

Holding either sides of nose with your thumbs and fingers, pinch the soft part of your nose firmly for ten minutes. This will decrease the blood flow through the affected area, reducing the bleeding. Avoid exerting too much pressure as that might cause discomfort. Release the nostrils slowly after ten minutes to check if the bleeding has stopped. Do not touch or blow your nose. If the bleeding continues unabated, try applying pressure for another ten minutes. This remedy has proven to be effective as it helps to constrict the local blood vessels.

3. Use Ice:

Ice can be your best friend when it comes to controlling nosebleeds. Ice constricts the blood vessels and reduces inflammation (in case of nosebleed due to injury). Prepare a cold compress by placing crushed ice in a plastic zipper bag and covering it with a towel. You can place this compress on the bridge of your nose and keep holding it until the bleeding ceases.

4. Use Vinegar:

Another easy home remedy for nose bleeding is to dip a cotton ball in white vinegar and place it in your bleeding nostrils for ten minutes. The acid in the vinegar helps to constrict the blood vessels and thus, stop bleeding.

5. Drink Plenty of Water:

A dehydrated body can result in nosebleed! Being well hydrated is extremely important, especially during the dry season or in dry places. Dry winter air often dries out your nose resulting in nosebleed. So keep your mucus membranes moist by drinking at least 8 glasses of water in a day to prevent nosebleeds.

6. Apply Petroleum Jelly:

Continuing from where we left off, dryness can irritate the sensitive portions of the nose, which can further aggravate a bleeding nose. Applying petroleum jelly can help prevent nosebleed by combating dryness of the nostrils. You can try applying petroleum jelly on the insides of your nostrils to keep your nasal membranes moist. This remedy is particularly useful in case of nosebleeds at high altitudes or due to sinusitis or cold.

7. Use Steam:

If you are suffering from a nosebleed because of sinusitis or some other respiratory ailment, then breathing in steam can prove beneficial. You can try having a mini steam bath or can simply inhale steam. For the latter, you can boil half a pot of water and place it on a sturdy surface. Then you can cover your head with a towel, and breathe gently. This easy remedy will definitely provide relief.

8. Increase Your Intake of Vitamin C and K:

Vitamin C is involved in the formation of collagen, which helps in creating a moist lining in your nose. This vitamin keeps the blood vessels in good condition, thus preventing them from breaking easily. So, for long term prevention, eating vitamin C rich foods like oranges, lemons, gooseberries etc is a good idea. Similarly, dark green leafy vegetables are packed with vitamin K, which facilitates blood clotting and can be useful in preventing nosebleeds.

9. Apply Vitamin E:

During the dry winter months, you can keep your nasal membranes moisturized by applying vitamin E oil several times in a day. Vitamin E is readily available in the form of capsules and can be bought from any drug store. You can break open a capsule with your fingers, swab a cotton ball in it, and apply it on the inside of your nostrils. Do this before going to sleep for maximum benefits.

10. Saline Spray:

If you suffer from nasal allergies or blockages because of mucus or dust, nasal irrigation is probably the best remedy! So, what can you do to help soothe and heal the irritated nasal membranes? All you need to do is mix ¼ to ½ teaspoon each of salt and baking soda in 1 to 1 ½ cups of water. Suck in the water using an ear syringe and squirt this saline solution into one nostril while keeping the other nostril closed. Lowering your head over the sink, gently blow out the water. Repeat this action until the water finishes.

These are the few nose bleeding remedies that can help control nosebleed. Apart from these, you should also avoid unhealthy habits like excessive blowing or picking your nose. Constant sneezing and sniffing can also harm the delicate nasal membranes, so if an allergy is sending you into a sneezing frenzy, seek medical treatment. And remember, as the ‘Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy’ said – DON’T PANIC!

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