Wednesday 16 July 2014

10 Effective Home Remedies For Yeast Infection

A yeast infection can really bring a woman down! This common yet frustrating disease can leave you feeling rather uncomfortable. If you wake up one morning to uncomfortable itching and burning sensation accompanied by a smelly discharge, you may just have contracted a yeast infection. But fear not, for this infection can be easily curtailed by some simple ingredients from your kitchen rack.
Yeast infections, also commonly known as Candida, are said to affect as many as 8 out of 10 women. While it is women who predominately suffer from this icky disorder, men too can be affected by it. The most commonly known remedies for a yeast infection are creams and suppositories that are easily found at most drug stores. But at times, even these fail to work. That’s when you can find solace from home remedies!

Say Which Yeast Infection Home Remedy is Best from Effective 10?

Here is a scoop of the ten best home remedies for yeast infection that will help you save from shelling out wads of notes at the clinic and having to down bitter OTCs:

1. Drink Up Some Yogurt:

Any medical practitioner worth his salt will ask you to increase the amount of yogurt in your diet when you are hit by this infection. As tempted as you may be, avoid flavoured varieties and gulp down plain yogurt with every meal instead. The good bacteria present in yogurt are sure to work on the yeast, both internally and externally. Yes, you heard that right. Applying yogurt topically to the site can do wonders in treating a yeast infection. Dip a tampon into yogurt and slip it into the vagina, be sure not to push it too far. Leave it on for an hour or two, to be rid of the infection in no time.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar With The Mother:

Be it weight loss, skin care or hair loss, ACV does come in handy. But can ACV help cure yeast infection? Yes, it definitely can! This too can again be used both externally and internally to treat a bad case of yeast infection. Drink up some diluted ACV or soak in a bath of warm water with a cup full of ACV for an all day relief from that bothersome itch!

3. Tea Tree Oil:

This is yet another favourite amongst naturo-therapists! The most effective way of using the goodness of tea tree oil to combat yeast infection is in the form of suppositories. You can safely use a tea tree oil suppository once in the morning and at bedtime. Vitanica Yeast Arrest is what we suggest for immediate relief.

4. The Pungent Garlic:

Many will agree when we say that garlic can lend aroma and flavour to dishes like no other ingredient. Yes, in their raw form they don’t seem too appetizing, but they sure can spice up your meal. Simply include garlic in your diet, to fight an overgrowth of yeast. A great and easy home remedy for yeast infection!

5. Tweak Your Diet:

If you wish to keep yeast infections at bay, or want to remedy an infection that doesn’t seem to abate, make small changes in the way you eat. Eliminating a few things from your diet can make a world of difference while trying to fight a bad case of yeast infection. If you are susceptible to yeast overgrowth, strike the following off your diet-
  • Refined carbs
  • Alcohol
  • Sugar laden dishes
  • Vinegar in your salad dressing
  • Wine
  • White flour
  • Fermented food

6. Pau D’arco:

This is a hard to find herb, but can be the answer to your prayers. A South American herb that is now exported across the globe, Pau d’arco, when consumed in small dosages, can help curb the growth of yeast in your body. You can not only gulp it down like tincture but can also dilute and apply it topically for better results.

7. Borax 6x:

As we go down the list, we come to a homeopathic cure that several will vouch for. When these tiny pellets are chewed upon, they begin to act instantly on the yeast infection thanks to their anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties.

8. Palmarosa Oil:

Women and men alike can benefit from the use of this essential oil that also belongs to the same family as the tea tree oil. Studies suggest that the partner of a woman suffering from a yeast infection also needs to be treated so that it does not go back and forth.

9. Oil Of Oregano:

When we speak of home remedies, a number of oils come to the forefront. Oregano oil one of the most potent oil that can keep the infection from progressing. The oil needs to be ingested daily. Be sure that the variant of the oil you purchase has a high percentage of carvacol, for that is what will curb the infection and give you relief from severe itching.

10. A Bath In Baking Soda:

If symptoms do not go away in the course of a few days, you need to try something stronger. Just pour a tablespoon of baking soda into your bath and soak in it. The baking soda will help normalise the pH levels in the vagina and help fight the infection and give you relief from both discharge and itching.
These were a few handpicked remedies to clean up an itchy yeast infection. We know many who have benefitted from these. So the next time you are hit by vaginal thrush and are hesitant to see the doc, just try these yeast infection home remedies!
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