Tuesday 15 July 2014

10 Effective Home Remedies For Colitis Cure

Is going to the toilet a painful ordeal for you? This could mean you are suffering from colitis. The main cause of colitis is unknown. It has been noted that certain foods aggravate the symptoms of colitis. The inner lining of the colon gets inflamed leading to problems like diarrhoea, abdominal pain and rectal bleeding. It is needless to say that colitis can cause a lot of discomfort.

Effects Of Colitis:

Affecting both men and women equally, Colitis can begin during adolescence and early adulthood. Elderly people too suffer from this problem. The frequency of the condition seems to be increasing globally. Colitis causes a reduced absorption of minerals and water leading to nutritional deficiencies. This in turn results in loss of appetite, ill health, anemia, weight loss, dehydration and fatigue.
Now-a-days people are looking for alternative treatments rather than spending a huge amount of money on doctor visits and drugs. Most of the time, home remedies provide the best cure for colitis. Concoctions of various ingredients from your kitchen shelf are surprisingly the best cure for colitis. These colitis home remedies neither do have any side effects nor do they cause any further problem.

Top 10 Home Remedies For Colitis:

Before going to your doctor to treat colitis, you could attempt some tried and tested home remedies! Home remedies can alleviate the inflammation of the large intestine.

1. Cod Liver Oil:

A dessert-spoon of cod liver oil is by far the best cure for mild to moderate colitis. It has essential Vitamin D for calcium integration. It also has anti-inflammatory properties to ease the large intestine considerably without any side effects.

2. Aloe Vera:

Aloe Vera is another good home remedy for colitis. Peel the outer skin of a few aloe vera leaves; extract the gel from the leaves. Mix this gel in one glass of lukewarm water and drink it once in the morning and before going to bed at night.

3. Drumstick, Honey And Coconut Water:

Boil some drumsticks in water and remove its pulp when cooked. Make a paste and extract its juice. Mix this with one glass of coconut water and a teaspoon of honey, and have it once a day. This is an effective cure for the problem.

4. Egg White:

Take egg white in a glass and add an equal quantity of honey to it. Mix this well and drink it on an empty stomach. Egg white has anti-inflammatory properties and honey with its healing content cure colitis in an effective way.

5. Squash Or Zucchini:

Stir-fried squash or zucchini, both yellow and green, eaten with white rice is an effective cure for colitis. You can eat this any number of times. It brings instant relief to your symptoms.

6. Raw Papaya, Carrot And Raw Cabbage:

Make the juice of raw papaya, raw cabbage and carrot by adding boiled water. This is good and soothing for the stomach.

7. Fennel Seeds:

Soak fennel seeds in warm water overnight. Strain and drink this water in the morning. It has healing properties, which soothes the colon.

8. Apple:

Apple is good for reducing the symptoms. It helps improve the symptoms and reduces the feeling of bloating. You can eat an apple after meals. You can consume generous quantities of apple juice to get relief from colitis. It will replenish the loss of iron due to bleeding.

9. Boswellia:

Boswellia is a naturally occurring herb, acquired from the resin part of the tree bark. Boswellia helps to manage ulcerative colitis as it acts as a reticence of certain chemical reactions that generate inflammatory mediators.

10. Turmeric:

Turmeric is a spice used for cooking. It has antiseptic properties. The curcumin found in turmeric has healing properties that improves the effectiveness of traditional medical therapy.


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