Sunday 8 June 2014


Heat Stroke:

• A heat stroke may occur when a person stays under the sun for a long   time
• Usual body temperature is 98.6°F, in an heat stroke it rises to 104°F
• Children and outdoor labourers are the most susceptible to this condition

Symptoms to look for:

• Unconsciousness
• Dizziness
• Hallucination
• Skin becomes:
   o Hot
   o Dry
   o Flushed


• Staying for long in high temperature and humid areas
• Excessive exercising
• Wearing excessive warm clothing
• Consumption of alcohol
• Malfunctioning of sweat glands
   o This reduces the body's ability to manage body temperature

Natural home remedy using mango, cumin seeds, salt, sugar and mint leaves:

1. Take 6 raw mangoes
2. Boil them in 1 L water for 15 min
3. Peel and de-seed them
3. Separate the mango pulp
4. Mix the pulp in 250 ml water
5. Add 1 tsp cumin seed powder
6. Add 1 tsp salt
7. Add 2 tbsp sugar
8. Add 2 tsp crushed mint leaves
8. Mix well
9. Store this in the refrigerator
10. Have this cold drink 2 times a day

Natural home remedy using milk, almonds and rose petals:

1. Take 1 glass cold milk
2. Crush 4-5 almonds 
3. Crush 5-7 dried rose petals
4. Add 2 tsp of crushed almonds to the milk
5. Add 2 tsp crushed rose petals
6. Mix well
7. Drink this when thirsty


• Massage coconut oil on the scalp to normalise the body temperature
• Have buttermilk 3 times a day, to make buttermilk:

1. Mix 2 tbsp of curd in 1 glass of water
2. Add salt to taste
3. This will keep the body cool during summers

• Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water or low sugar sports drinks every day 
• Avoid coffee, tea and aerated drinks
• Consume fruits and vegetables with high water content like:
   o Lettuce
   o Watermelon
   o Broccoli

   o Apples


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