Friday, 30 May 2014
Natural Remedies for Acidity
1. Gently sucking a piece of jaggery (unrefined brown sugar made from palm sap) until acidity subsides is a perfect home remedy for acidity.
2. A glass of cold milk gives instant relief from this problem.
3. Chewing of few basil leaves keeps acidity, gas and nausea at bay.
4. Eating plenty of cucumber, water melon and banana keeps away acidity.
5. Drinking coconut water relieves acidity.
6. Every meal should be followed by a drink of fresh mint juice. This is the best acidity remedy.
7. Consumption of yogurt gives instant relief from this problem.
8. Soda water effectively treats acidity problems.
9. Chewing ginger helps to subside acidity.
10. One may take a mixture of 1 tablespoon honey and 2 tablespoon natural apple cider vinegar before meals to avoid this problem.
11. Sucking clove relieves acidity.
12. Intake of 2 teaspoons of white vinegar along with meals prevents acidity.
13. Intake of tea and coffee should be replaced by the intake of herbal tea consisting of spearmint or licorice.
14. One may drink a mixture of 1 teaspoon chebulic myrobalan juice and one teaspoon Indian gooseberry juice to get relief from acidity.
15. One may boil cumin seeds in a glass of water, strain and drink the water after each meal. This effectively treats acidity.
16. Drinking half a glass of butter milk with one tablespoon coriander leaf juice mixed in to it is an effective home remedy for acidity.
17. A daily drink of cabbage juice checks acidity.
18. Maintaining a standing posture after meals, checks acidity.
19. Drinking one or two glasses of water in empty stomach early in the morning keeps acidity away.
20. Eat one carrot everyday. It will increase the formation of saliva and it will also improve digestion. Juice of carrot is also very beneficial. It helps the body to get rid of toxins.
Preventions :- There are some preventions necessary for curing acidity. Avoid eating junk food; instead of it
prefer to eat fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables. Cold drinks; with or after meal should be avoided. It dilutes
the acid and enzymes necessary for digestion. Habit of smoking cigarettes is extremely harmful for both body
and digestive system. Avoid drinking caffeine based drinks like tea and coffee; instead have alkaline foods
such as cucumber juice and watermelons. It will neutralize the excessive acid. When these preventions and
remedies are paired together treatment of acidity will be effective and permanent.
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Coconut water remedy and milk remedy is amazing. This are easily available and it works well. To get rid from acidity problem herbal Acidity supplements helps me a lot. you can also try this