Thursday 22 May 2014



 Mood Enhancing Foods

Do you know that foods boost mood? Surprised? Well it is true. There are certain foods that help in elevating the mood of an individual. This article provides you with all the information you need regarding the foods that help boost mood...

You feel agitated and the reason is not your boss, colleague, client, spouse or kids. Then what is it that is eating you? You seem to have reached a dead end thinking about the myriad reasons for feeling low. How many of us are really aware of the fact that the food we eat influences our mood? Intriguing but true! The food that we eat not only affects our mental health but also plays a major role in shaping our physical health. Foods improve mood in two ways - by influencing the chemicals in the brain and by affecting the blood sugar level to increase the amount of energy.

Mood elevating foods are those foods that can help keep you in a good mood and bust stress levels. Though there are many supplements, nothing can act as a substitute for good food, since food is an integral part of our diet that not only sustains us but also is one of the natural mood enhancers as it peps up the energy to get us going. The production of mood elevating hormones like serotonin, endorphin, dopamine and other neurotransmitters is influenced by the quantity and quality of nutrients in the body. Hence it is very essential to have a balanced diet to cope with stress, fatigue and other factors that affect the mood of an individual. Given below are some foods that are really effective when it comes to lifting one's spirits.

Natural Mood Boosting Foods

Everyone knows that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Having a good, filling breakfast will ensure that you are in a good mood throughout the day. The breakfast should have a serving of breakfast cereals or whole wheat bread slices, a fruit or fruit juice and eggs. Eating whole grains is important as they are absorbed slowly in the body and keep the levels of blood sugar stable. Carbohydrates also boost the supply of tryptophan, a type of amino acid, in the brain, which boosts the synthesis of serotonin. Carbohydrates also fight against serotonin deficiency in the body.

Dairy products like milk, yogurt etc.
are soothing in nature and are well-known mood boosters. Drinking plain milk or adding it to the breakfast cereal has shown to decrease frustration and anxiety. Fruits like banana, avocados and strawberries also are popular mood enhancers. Moreover, they are also a rich source of vitamin B6.

Green leafy vegetables are rich in folate, which fight against depression and mood swings. Consuming lettuce, spinach and other green leafy vegetables are essential to fight against deficiency of folate, (as folate deficiency and depression are connected).

Seafood like fish, oysters,
clams and crab are rich in omega-3 essential fatty acids. These foods are not only good for overall health of the individual but also supply selenium, which is a mood enhancer. According to research, selenium has antidepressant properties. Nuts and legumes are also good sources of omega 3 fatty acids and selenium, that help combat depression and lift the mood. Hence, it is essential to include these mood boosting foods in your diet.

Lean meats like chicken, beef
are rich sources of tyrosine, which is an amino acid. Tyrosine helps to improve mood naturally, thus, boosting the levels of the brain messengers norepinephrine and dopamine, which are responsible to keep the mind focused and alert. These products are also rich in vitamin B12, that helps fight against depression and insomnia.

I forgot to mention another important food that is a must on the list of mood enhancers (and my favorite) - Chocolates! Eat a bar of chocolate and see how your mood gets elevated. Believe me, it really works and I have tried it myself (I know many chocoholics will vouch for this fact). Chocolate, especially dark chocolate contains caffeine and theobromine, which are well-known mood enhancers.

These were some mood enhancing foods that can dissipate the blues away. Also, don't forget that exercise helps to boost your mood too! So along with your diet, be sure to exercise regularly. Hope this article has helped you in recognizing some mood elevating foods. So, eat right to stay cheerful and bright!


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